Perception vs Reality
Project: Hacking Identity/Society's perception
Location: Milan, Italy
Award: Gold - Naba Communication Awards
During a study module we explored the topic of hacking and we arrived to the theme of the “hacking of your own body”. After we completed the research and studied the subject – Niko (person who we found across the transgender community and who trusted strangers through online) – the most interesting framing of our concept became the idea of “hacking your life” in the sense of fighting with the adjustments life is giving to you.
As a result of this project we created 2 trailers with an accent on Niko and their partner and as final we wrapped in one short movie documentary.
What are you? is the story about Niko, just a person, with a big struggle in life. Niko is a non-binary person and through their experience they had been forced to hack their life in order to stop pleasing what everyone wanted from them and just live how they are supposed to... Free of judgements towards themselves.
In the journey of discovery Niko found Sarah, a very special person who is right now in their own process. Meet these wonderful people who are trying to hack the world by hacking their own lives.